Sunday, November 16, 2008

Panama Day 5: An amazing experience

Well, we left the hotel around 1 p.m. this afternoon and I just walked into my house in Miami about two hours ago around 8 p.m.

Needless to say, I'm pretty tired, so I'm going to keep this short.

This trip truly was an amazing experience.

I don't think I really comprehended this until just now, but for the past five days, I worked as a real-life, professional journalist in a foreign country.

Not only did I get a chance to visit a place where I had never been and to make three great friends in my classmates Natalia, Alcione and Ligia, but I also got to do something that most student journalists (most professional journalists for that matter) will never get to do - work internationally.

I owe own many thanks to the University of Miami School of Communication and for giving me that opportunity.

From left to right: Me, Natalia, Alcione and Ligia in front of the hotel on our last night in Panama City, Panama.

1 comment:

Suzanne Levinson said...

Excellent series of posts. Thanks for sharing the experience in words and photos. Sounds like a life-changing trip.